Tag: email marketing

Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, influencer marketing, Internet Marketing, Marketing, Marketing & Communications, Search Engine Optimization, social media influencer marketing, video marketing

Demystifying ROI: What Results to Expect From Your Digital Marketing Campaign

Demystifying ROI: What Results to Expect From Your Digital Marketing Campaign

Investing in digital marketing can feel like venturing into uncharted territory. You hear success stories, but quantifying the return on investment (ROI) can be a mystery. This blog post will be your guide, demystifying ROI and unpacking the results you can expect from your digital marketing campaign. Understanding ROI: The Compass for Your Online Journey […]

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Marketing & Communications, Social Media, Uncategorized

Combining Email Marketing and Social Media Marketing: An Infographic

When it comes to digital marketing, it’s important that you take advantage of a wide range of channels. This way, you ensure that you are reaching as large of an audience as possible. That being said, focusing on channels such as email marketing and social media can do wonders for your brand. Not convinced? Here […]

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Digital Trends 2013, Digital Trends in India, Future of Digital Marketing

Top 13 Trends In Digital Marketing for 2013 – The CXO’s Guide

1. Watch Our For Tectonic Shifts In The Digital Media Watch out for new technologies, platforms and tools, as well as advancements in that which already exists. Will Facebook search replace Google in search dominance? Will WhatsApp, BBM, Skype, Facetime, etc. slowly but surely erode Facebook status updates, comments and likes given the way mobile […]

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