Category: Ecommerce

Ecommerce, Social Commerce

Social Commerce – Kiya kare kiya na kare yeah kaissi mushkil Hai!

Research has shown that making shopping decisions can help reinforce a sense of personal control. It can also ease feelings of sadness. In addition, just browsing, scrolling or window shopping (but not buying something) can also be positively impacting your mood. Retail therapy is thus proven to be good for overall health and wellbeing. And […]

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Consumer Experience, Customer Experience, Ecommerce, Future of Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing, Marketing & Communications, Online Advertising, Online Reputation Management, ORM, Responsive Design, Website Design

5 simple reasons not to hurry to on-board low cost digital agencies

Being in a turbulent and testing financial time period, where the Digital Agencies mushrooming all over everyday, one will find themselves at their wits end to make a choice of which agency to onboard. Due to the recent budget cut-down across departments, the digital budget also takes a beating. This makes it a very tempting […]

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Consumer Experience, Ecommerce

Essential Digital Marketing Tools for Brands – Chatbots

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There has never been more pressure on businesses to keep pace with the hyper-competitive digital environment and deliver a wide range of digital capabilities. In our new ‘Essential Digital Marketing Tools for Brands’ knowledge series, we explore the most relevant tools that marketers can and should leverage right away to drive digital visibility and RoI […]

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