Category: Chatbot

AI, Artificial Intelligence, Chatbot, Digital Marketing, Future of Digital Marketing

The Role of AI in Digital Marketing

What is AI? AI Stands for Artificial Intelligence. It is a branch of computer science concerned with building high tech, smart machines that are capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. Why is AI Important for Marketers? AI has become a crucial role for marketers.  AI interprets and solves complex decisions based on […]

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Chatbot, Consumer Experience, Customer Experience

Excessive use of ChatBots can lead to Customer Dissatisfaction!

In today’s business landscape, communication channels have expanded greatly, thanks to the rise of social media. Companies can now connect with their customers on a real-time basis and promote their products and services effectively. However, as the volume of customer inquiries and comments continues to increase, companies have started using automated chatbots to handle customer […]

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