Tag: Google

Digital Marketing, Online Advertising

Google’s U-Turn: Third-Party Cookies Live On

The digital advertising world has been thrown into a state of flux once again. After years of speculation and anticipation, Google has finally announced its decision regarding third-party cookies. And the verdict is: they’re staying. In a surprising move, Google has reversed its previous plans to phase out third-party cookies in its Chrome browser. Instead, […]

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Google, Search Engine Optimization

Does Your Website Link From Gambling & Porn Sites? Google’s Disavow Link Can Help

Disavow Links Tool: Removing Negative Back Links has become easier now! Why are my links appearing on this gambling site? I haven’t put them there. Now, how to remove my links from this gambling site? Google is pointing this back link as a link from an untrusted source. How do I remove this from Google’s […]

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