Tag: Data

Digital Marketing, Online Advertising

Google’s U-Turn: Third-Party Cookies Live On

The digital advertising world has been thrown into a state of flux once again. After years of speculation and anticipation, Google has finally announced its decision regarding third-party cookies. And the verdict is: they’re staying. In a surprising move, Google has reversed its previous plans to phase out third-party cookies in its Chrome browser. Instead, […]

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Data Driven Strategies, Data Mining, Data science, Machine learning

It’s Time for Data-Driven Strategies: Well who in the organisation will decide that? CTO or CMO

Big Data is a buzzword you’re hearing everywhere. But it’s not just a buzzword or a trend, it’s a movement of understanding your customers, your unique buying cycle, and your content strategy. To think of it, it may sound simple but is it that simple? Answer is Yes & No. Why both, because if you […]

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