Internet Marketing, Marketing & Communications, Online Advertising, Online Relationship Management

Inside the Millennial Mind – The marketer’s read!

Our typical days starts by snoozing off the alarm followed by seeing the Instagram feed and stories, browsing through it for a couple of minutes till you finally realise that you’ve done that enough and now it’s time to get out of bed. Isn’t that true? And just when brands and advertisers were starting to […]

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Uncategorized, Website, Website Design

5 simple ways for getting website project completed by your agency faster.

Just got a brief from the boss that the website needs to be revamped? The reason can be various, ranging from user visits dropping, numerous complaints from the stakeholders that the information on the website is obsolete, the design is dated etc. All those who have gone through the trauma of getting a project done […]

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Performance linked pay for the Partners

As a kid , most of us would have received incentive from our elders for doing good job. If you will finish your homework, you will get a candy or you will be allowed to play with your friends. I used to recall it as bribe until we introduced performance linked pay in the organization […]

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