
Driving Digital Within Your Company in 2019 – Part II

Top 10 Things You Can Do Taking off from what I shared in the part one, now let us address each show-stopper to become the digital marketing maverick that you are waiting to be. #1 Invest in digital talent. Hire an experienced and qualified digital marketing native, someone who has been an integral part of […]

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Future of Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing, Marketing & Communications, Measurement, Online Advertising

Driving Digital Within Your Company in 2019 – Part I

The Show Stoppers On the jury of the XIV Digital Marketing Conclave of IAMAI, 2018, it was heartening to get a close-look at the `client’-side of things with a fresh perspective. Any digital marketer, worth his salt especially one with 2-3 decades in sales or marketing, knows that digital can today totally change the game […]

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Influencer Marketing: 7 Common Mistakes You’re Making

Unless you’re living under a rock, you would have come across the term ‘Influencer Marketing’ at least 817 times in the last week! Speaking about Influencer Marketing, you would know that it is one of the hottest buzzwords spoken by marketers for building your brand online. Honestly, Influencer Marketing is pretty simple – a business […]

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