Responsive Design, Uncategorized, Website Design

Which is better – .Net or PHP? A review of .Net’s untapped potential

I have been working @bcwebwise for three years now, and during my tenure I have come across many requirements such as social networking, gaming, brand campaigns, etc. When I say let’s do it in .NET, there is often a client response – “Why not PHP? It’s quicker, cost effective!” or “It quickly integrates with social […]

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Social Media

What Skills To Look Out For In Your Social Media Agency

Making the decision to hire an outside agency to work on building your brand on social media is an important move. Social media is such an important part of your brand that you would be doing yourself a disservice if you did not go the whole length to decide on your social media partner agency. […]

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bcwebwise, ROI

Measuring ROI – Timesheets For A Digital Agency

Do you get a clearly defined commitment from your agency on the resources and time, and cost of tools it invests in your project? Are you able to identify why you are spending X for your agency retainer or a development project? If you are often challenged by a lack of transparency then read on. […]

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