Tag: online advertising

Internet Marketing

What All Is Included In Digital Marketing, This Image Has The Answers

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Future of Digital Marketing, Marketing & Communications

What Is The Future of Digital Marketing, A Marketer’s Guide – 2012-22

Digital can be mainstream in 10 years Youth in the larger metros and hand-held devicescould be responsible for driving this change. Why? Already a major source for news even in real-time TV networks seeking online model to secure their share of the online revenue pie. Online ads are not just cheaper, but efficient and can […]

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bcwebwise, Brand building, Facebook, Facebook Fans, Facebook Likes, Google Search, Lead Generation, Measurement, Online Advertising, Return on Investment, ROI, Website

How to Measure ROI of Internet Marketing

How do you measure Return on Investment (ROI) of Internet Marketing? The web lends itself to be measured. After all every impression of a graphic being measurable, the path from which your visitor landed on your web page being traceable, the pages viewed, the likes and comments, the viral effect everything lending itself to being […]

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