Tag: Machine learning

AI, Artificial Intelligence, Chatbot, Facebook

What is Conversational AI and how can it revolutionize your business?

Digital Transformation has revolutionized the way businesses operate. Digitization has positively impacted and transformed various aspects of business, right from marketing to recruitment. And one such area that has been revamped because of digitization and IT marvels is customer support. A successful organization relies heavily on customer support, but customer support has evolved beyond the […]

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Data Driven Strategies, Data Mining, Data science, Machine learning

It’s Time for Data-Driven Strategies: Well who in the organisation will decide that? CTO or CMO

Big Data is a buzzword you’re hearing everywhere. But it’s not just a buzzword or a trend, it’s a movement of understanding your customers, your unique buying cycle, and your content strategy. To think of it, it may sound simple but is it that simple? Answer is Yes & No. Why both, because if you […]

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