Month: July 2017

Consumer Experience, Ecommerce

Essential Digital Marketing Tools for Brands – Chatbots

tech tools

There has never been more pressure on businesses to keep pace with the hyper-competitive digital environment and deliver a wide range of digital capabilities. In our new ‘Essential Digital Marketing Tools for Brands’ knowledge series, we explore the most relevant tools that marketers can and should leverage right away to drive digital visibility and RoI […]

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Search Engine Optimization

The Future of SEO – Why Brands Need to be Prepared

The way we utilise search engines is changing. It’s leading to a major, though mildly unpredictable revolution in how marketers approach Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM). Search was always about ‘User Intent’; but as more netizens go mobile, search engine results are becoming unforeseeably dynamic. Why? Because people don’t want to […]

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